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Beedelup National Park is located a fair way out of Perth, at about 332km south, but it is definitely worth the visit, with plenty of things to do and see along the way.

The Falls:

Beedelup Falls is a 100m drop of gushing water that flattens out into cascades. There are lookouts and bridges to give you the best possible experience.

The Hike:

The hike to the falls is quite tame. The path is bitumen at first, but then is a boardwalk with some bridges. One of these bridges is sturdy and metal, while the other is a wooden suspension bridge (still safe).

The next hike you can do is the hike to the Walk-Through-Tree. This is a magnificent walk through the bush, with some steep slopes. The path is dirt, some areas clay, and mostly stable. Walking through the bush you can hear the sounds of birds flying above your head, and maybe even spot a few nests. There are a few fallen trees across the path, but they aren't too difficult to pass. The Walk-Through-Tree:

A 75m tall Karri Eucalyptus tree with a diameter of 2.4m has naturally semi-hollowed itself. It is now known as the Walk-Through-Tree. This is a natural but safe attraction- it is clean and has short ladders leading up to the opening for extra safety.

Entry Fees:

For information on entry payments visit:

Beedelup- Adventure WA

Rating: 5 Stars

Beedelup National Park is absolutely breathtaking. The Falls have an unbelievable volume of water gushing down, then turning into fast flowing cascades. The hike is brilliant, beautiful and a good challenge. The Walk-Through-Tree is quite cool and the paths are well made. Beedelup is just gorgeous and I highly recommend it.

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