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Stinton Cascades is a gradual waterfall leading into a large pond. It is very flat, and rather than streaming, it is more like a sheet of water coming down the rocks. It never flows extremely quickly, so if you're feeling adventurous, this is perfect for a natural waterslide! But make sure you pack dry clothes and a towel!

The Trails: To get to The Cascades, you first walk about 800m along a rather steep gravel path. Soon you the trail will flatten out, and you will walk about 1.5km of flat gravel until you reach The Cascades. The trails are surrounded by beautiful wildlife.

Stinton Cascades- Adventure WA

Rating: 4 Stars

A beautiful place, but I didn't give it the full 5 Stars. It is a lovely place, but the views aren't as spectacular as other places. Also, the Cascades are very steep and slippery, which limits your adventuring experience. Still, it is a great day out.

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