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The New City of Perth Library is a large building with five stories of reading material.

The New Perth Library is a great place to visit, with each floor designated for a particular reader audience. There is a Young Adult section with sound-proof study rooms, a Children's Level, a Mezzanine floor, and more.

Opening Hours:

Weekdays- 8am - 6pm

Saturdays- 10am - 4pm

Sunday- 12pm - 4pm

Public Holidays- Closed

Join the Library:

There are two ways to join the library. First, you can join online. Click this link ($N?pc=SYMWS)

to fill out a form, and once completed you should receive a conformation email. Once you have received the conformation email you have access to eResources. Then you can go to the library and pick up your library card.

Alternatively, you can join in person. Go to the library with relevant identification and you can get a card issued on the spot.


- Current Western Australian Driver's Licence, OR

- Current Health Care OR Pension Care, OR

- Document, received within the last six weeks, showing your name and current residential address e.g. a phone account, bank statement, lease agreement, OR insurance policy.

Facilities: Cafe, Toilets

Perth Library- Adventure Perth

Rating: 4.5 Stars

I was going to give this site 5 Stars, but I feel that there isn't enough range in some of the some of the sections. I spent most of my time in the Young Adult Section, and I felt that there wasn't enough range in this section. Still, there was a decent range, and when I did spend some time in the other sections, the range was good. The comfy couches to curl up and read on, the cafe, the study rooms, and the modern but cosy feel really make this place great.

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